The calendar system update.

Hi! Thanks for following my devlog. I've seen a humbling amount of views on these updates. Thanks for having a look at my little project.

Today I finished the Calendar system. Currently the implemented UI is closer to programmer UI, but I'm greyboxing and trying to get a much velocity as I can. Later my plan is go through texturing and modeling properly. Please have some patience while the level looks a little drab.

The Calendar system allows for some interesting mechanics. I'm not going to give everything away right now, but the calendar:

  • Allows for richer, more thought provoking decisions when your actions are set in stone.
  • Allows for the world to breathe and change naturally
  • Different timeframes throughout the day have different vistas to be enjoyed
  • Various events happen, some on weekdays, some on the weekend, and some on special dates

What makes the calendar so major to me is that for two months I've been largely building behind the scenes systems, like data management or player movement. The calendar is the first real gameplay element I've built, and one that I feel is important to the mechanics of the world I'm building. I'll let you see how it works too - (Note: the transition is a little rough atm, I'm working on it)

You can sleep at night to move time forward one day either in the evening or later in the night. There'll be things you can do in the evening that I won't spoil now.

Like I said above, the world has a full 7-day cycle with a full 12 month calendar and 5 times in the day to explore. I'm really excited to share more with you down the line. Additionally as a side note, I've now greyboxed out the hallway outside your bedroom, which you can see here:

Thanks again for following the development of Project: Coastal.

- Ryan

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