First inklings of progress.

Hi everyone!

Sorry for taking such a long time between updates, I've finished the movement section and given NPC chatter some flourish with a typewriter effect as seen here:

I've also started on the first proper location! It's the bedroom, where the player comes back to after a long day to rest, read at the at-present missing desk or look over the (also at-present missing) bookshelf that changes as the game progresses. This room will serve more purposes that I'll keep secret for now. Grayboxing is really great because it's helped me iterate a number of times before reaching this layout that I like. Because it's so simple to put together it's really helped me to quickly try out different positions and get the scale just right.

Once again, thanks for following the development of Project Coastal. I saw some people did in fact read my previous devlogs, which is very flattering. I imagine more updates will be coming in the future.


- Ryan

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